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Game Description

Cottagecore Style Dress Up Game

Art by the amazing Tia Christiner - game by Doll Divine

Are you longing for a simpler way of life? Look no further than cottagecore, the aesthetic movement that celebrates the quiet cottage life. It may involve planting a garden and raising farm animals, or simply enjoying the charming simplicity of cottage living. In this digital age, it can be easy to get caught up in material possessions and constant technological stimulation. Cottagecore offers a refreshing alternative, allowing us to embrace the slower pace of rural living and reconnect with nature.

This game embraces cottagecore with its ability to customize your character's outfit, incorporating classic rustic elements like gingham and floral prints. The option to create your own sweater adds a personal touch, letting you truly embody cottagecore style. Even if we can't all escape to a cozy cottage in the countryside, this game allows us to indulge in the simplicity and charm of cottage living. So take some time to slow down and immerse yourself in the delightful world of cottagecore.